

This tool is designed to help you configure and perform multiple checks on your FusionDirectory instance and fix usual misconfiguration.



This option update the /var/cache/fusiondirectory/class.cache file. Which contain PHP classes used in FusionDirectory, and their location.


This option update internalization, by generating a new .mo locales file for each language, with every .po files it found. Needs msgcat and msgfmt to be installed.


This option perform a check on all FusionDirectory’s files or directories.


This option perform a check on FusionDirectory’s config file.


This option check your LDAP tree. Looking for admin account, and groups or people branch. If one of those don’t exists, the script will ask you what to do.


This option will encrypt the password inside your fusiondirectory.conf file, it need the headers module to be activated in your apache to work.


This option will parse the file variables_common.inc of FusionDirectory to find out which version of FusionDirectory is installed.


This option will list the variables you can change to install FusionDirectory on another set of directories. This option is intended for people wanting to install from the sources.


This option will write back the variables.inc file with the updated variables and is only useful with –set-VAR=variable and for people installing from sources.


This option will change the variable for the FusionDirectory installation. it is only useful with –install-directories and for people installing from sources.


This option will print a dump of the FusionDirectory configuration LDAP node.


This option sets the value of a configuration field in the LDAP. The value needs to be in the correct LDAP format. You cannot set multivalued field with this. The var name can be provided with or without the fd prefix.


Update FusionDirectory class cache and update localization

fusiondirectory-configuration-manager --update-cache --update-locales

List possible vars to give to –set

fusiondirectory-configuration-manager --list-vars
  locale_cache_dir [locale]
  config_file [fusiondirectory.conf]
  fd_cache [/var/cache/fusiondirectory]
  fd_smarty_dir [/usr/share/php/smarty3]
  fd_spool_dir [/var/spool/fusiondirectory]
  fai_log_dir [fai]
  tmp_dir [tmp]
  secrets_file [fusiondirectory.secrets]
  template_dir [template]
  locale_dir [locale]
  class_cache [class.cache]
  fd_config_dir [/etc/fusiondirectory]
  fd_home [/var/www/fusiondirectory]

update the class.cache name and write back the variables.inc file

fusiondirectory-configuration-manager --set-class_cache=class.cache --write-vars