SupAnn custom lists
How use custom lists
For some attributes like diplome you can extend them with a custom file in /etc/fusiondirectory/supann/
This process works for the following attributes:
supannTypeEntiteAffectation (entite)
supannEtuDiplome_diplome (diplome)
supannEtuEtape (etuetape is empty by default)
supannEtuElementPedagogique (etuelementpedagogique is empty by default)
supannActivite (activite)
supannRoleGenerique (role)
You need to do the following to make it work.
Add a file like diplome_CUSTOM in /etc/fusiondirectory/supann/
diplome can be replaced by any bold words above
CUSTOM can be replaced by any name, it will be the value between “{ }” by example “{SISE}”
Fill your file with your customs entries
In FusionDirectory you will need to select your CUSTOM part before selecting your entry that are in your file
you will find some examples in /usr/share/doc/fusiondirectory-plugin-supann/examples/