SupAnn Users
Create a user with SupAnn informations
Click on Users icon on FusionDirectory main page
Click on Actions –> Create –> User
Go to SupAnn tab anc click on “Add SupAnn settings” button
Fill-in the following fields :
Civilite : supannCivilite - Civility of this person
Alias login : supannAliasLogin : AN alias for the login of this user
eduPersonPrincipalName : eduPersonPrincipalName - A name that looks like <id>@<domain> which is unique for this domain, and has not been assigned to anyone else recently
Nickname : eduPersonNickname - Can contain a nickname for this user
Ref ids : supannRefId - IDs/links for this user on the other systems
Fill-in the following fields :
Other phone numbers : supannAutreTelephone - Other phone numbers for this user
Private phone numbers : supannTelephonePrive - Private phone numbers for this user
Other email addresses : supannAutreMail - Other e-mail addresses for this users . Each must be unique
Personal email addresses : supannMailPerso - Personal e-mail addresses for this user
Private email addresses : supannMailPrive - Private e-mail addresses for this user
Private addresses : supannAdressePostalePrivee - Private addresses for this user
Red list : supannListeRouge - Should this person be on the red list (required)
Fill-in the following fields :
Primary assignment : supannEntiteAffectationPrincipale - Main assignment of the person
Assignments : supannEntiteAffectation - Reprents assignments of the person in an institution, a component, service, etc.
Entity types : supannTypeEntiteAffectation - TYpes of the entities this person is assigned to
Student profile
Fill-in the following fields :
INE code : supannCodeINE - INE code of this student
Student ID : supannEduId - Scolarity id
Fill-in the following fields :
Primary affiliation : eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation - Main status of the person
Affiliations : eduPersonAffiliation - Status of the person : student, BIATOSS, teacher, contract, retired, hosted staff, (CNRS, INSERM, etc.), a former student, etc.
Establishment supannEtablissement - INstitution or unit of administrative attachment of the person
Parrain : supannParrainDN - Person or structure respnsible for this user
Student registrations
Fill-in the following fields :
Establishment : supannEtablissement - Establishment in which this registration was done (required)
Registration type : supannEtuRegimeInscription - The type of this registration (required)
Diploma type : supannEtuTypeDiplome - TYpe of diploma (required)
Entity assignment : supannEntiteAffectation - To which entities does this user belong to
Step : supannEtuEtape - Step can be considered a split (semester, year, etc.) in time of education leading to a diploma
Year : supannEtuAnneeInscription - The year this registration will begin (reqired)
Disciplinary Sector : supannEtuSecteurDisciplinaire - Disciplinary sector education diploma (required)
Curriculum year : supanEtuCursusAnnee - TYpe of curriculum (L, M, D or X etc.)and the year in the diploma (required)
Diploma : supannEtuDiplome - Diploma prepared by the student
educational element : supannEtuElementPedagogique - Generic description of the content of education with a high level of granularity
Personal profile
Fill-in the following fields :
Personal ID : supannEmpId - Employee identifier
Personal corps : supannEmpCorps - If you select NCORPS, then you will have a drop-down menu showing all the employee functions available
Activity : supannActivité - category of profession
Generic role : select SUPANN and you will see a drop-down menu including all the different roles :