
How use custom the DSA plugin

In your FusionDirectory Web interface, in the “Users and Groups” section, you will find an icon called “DSA” that you can use to manage service accounts in your ldap directory :

Picture of DSA icon in FusionDirectory
  • Create a DSA account

Click on the ‘DSA’ entry or icon, in users and groups section, to join the ‘DSA management’ page.

Picture of DSA management page in FusionDirectory

Now you can add a new account (simple security object) via ‘Actions –> Create’ (or modify the existing ones):

Picture of DSA create icon in FusionDirectory

A new dialog is open, fill at least in required fields:

  • Base : object base

  • Entry Name : (required) Service Account name

Picture of DSA dialog page in FusionDirectory
  • Change password

Fill in the required fields :

  • Password method: (required) Password hash method to use

  • Password: (required) Service Account password

  • Password again: (required) Same password as above, to avoid errors

Picture of DSA change password page in FusionDirectory