.. include:: /globals.rst Functionalities =============== How use custom the DSA plugin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In your FusionDirectory Web interface, in the "Users and Groups" section, you will find an icon called “DSA” that you can use to manage service accounts in your ldap directory : .. image:: images/dsa-icon.png :alt: Picture of DSA icon in FusionDirectory * Create a DSA account Click on the 'DSA' entry or icon, in users and groups section, to join the 'DSA management' page. .. image:: images/dsa-management-page.png :alt: Picture of DSA management page in FusionDirectory Now you can add a new account (simple security object) via 'Actions –> Create' (or modify the existing ones): .. image:: images/dsa-create.png :alt: Picture of DSA create icon in FusionDirectory A new dialog is open, fill at least in required fields: * Base : object base * Entry Name : (required) Service Account name .. image:: images/dsa-dialog-page.png :alt: Picture of DSA dialog page in FusionDirectory * Change password Fill in the required fields : * Password method: (required) Password hash method to use * Password: (required) Service Account password * Password again: (required) Same password as above, to avoid errors .. image:: images/dsa-change-password.png :alt: Picture of DSA change password page in FusionDirectory