ACL Roles
This page allows to manage ACL Roles
Click on ACL roles icon on FusionDirectory main page
You will be directed to ACL roles management page, where you can see the list of all created ACL roles
ACL roles can be used to give rights to users through ACL assignment. Setup offers to create a few default roles for you with common usecases.
If you click on one ACL role, you will see the rights of this role
The following actions are available:
Create ACL role: Create a new ACL role
Edit: Edit an existing ACL role
Remove: Delete an existing ACL role
Export list
PDF: Export the current object list as a PDF document
CSV: Export the current object list as a CSV file
Copy: Copy ACL role
Cut: Cut ACL roles to move them
Paste: Paste copied or cut ACL roles to the current base
Restore snapshots: Restore snapshots of ACL roles