What is FusionDirectory ?
FusionDirectory provides a solution to daily management of data stored in an LDAP directory. Becoming the cornerstone of the information system, the corporate directory becomes more complex offering more data and managing more infrastructure services.
This interface is simple and can be used to delegate fully or partly the data management to non-specialists.
Acls and roles
ACLs are only used by FusionDirectory and not the underlying ldap server.
ACLs can be assigned to roles.
Global administrator : Can do everything.
Local administrator : Can manage users and groups and also a branch.
Human resources : Can create users from template to optimize the arrival of new people.
User : Will only be able to change his data permitted by an administrator
FusionDirectory Triggers
FusionDirectory incorporates a series of triggers that can launch a specific action based on a task FusionDirectory must run.
These triggers are associated with a content type (LDAP user, group, server, password, service and the triggering action (create, edit, delete, change password … )
For example, when creating a user, a script generation form can be executed automatically with information from the LDAP server.
This can be useful for generating badges with photo, a form of access to the canteen or sending an email to warn other services of the actual arrival of the person.
This system is also convenient when we want to deploy the account of that person on an application that does not support LDAP.
Another example is when a user leaves, you must:
archive and delete his mailbox
archive and remove its network space
delete him from third party applications not connected to LDAP.
All of this can be easily done by shell scripts (at least in UNIX environment) and run automatically after the suppression of the person by the administrator in FusionDirectory
The interaction with non-LDAP applications
FusionDirectory stores information of a service or a server on an LDAP server. How about when this service does not have the opportunity to interact with LDAP?
This question can be solved by creating:
LDAP schema suitable for application to the LDAP server
A plugin for its management in FusionDirectory with the simple plugin API
An FusionDirectory Orchestrator module