Migrate FusionDirectory from 1.3.1 to 1.4
New Depot Configuration
Since 1.3.1 the repositories have been cleaned and reorganized please update your configuration accordingly
The gpg keys for FusionDirectory have been renewed so you need to install the new keys for the packages to install correctly
Upgrade FusionDirectory first
Upgrade FusionDirectory core package before other ones to avoid dependencies errors:
apt-get install fusiondirectory
Upgrade FusionDirectory schema package too.
apt-get install fusiondirectory-schema
Upgrade of LDAP directory
Then update the core-fd-conf schema.
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/core-fd-conf.schema
Then update the core-fd schema.
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/core-fd.schema
Then update the template-fd schema.
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/template-fd.schema
if you are using the supann-ext plugin you have to update is schema
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/supann-ext-fd.schema
if you are using the systems plugin you have to update is schema
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/systems-fd.schema
if you are using the supann plugin you have to update is schema
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/internet2.schema
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/supann-fd-conf.schema
if you are using the ppolicy plugin you have to update is schema
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/ppolicy-fd-conf.schema
if you are using the audit plugin you have to update is schema
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/audit-fd.schema
if you are using the dns plugin you have to update is schema
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/dnszone.schema
if you are using the samba plugin you have to update is schema
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/samba-fd-conf.schema
if you are using the user-reminder plugin you have to update is schema
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/user-reminder-fd-conf.schema
if you are using the fusioninventory plugin you have to update is schema
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/inventory-fd.schema
if you are using the mail plugin you have to update is schema
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/mail-fd.schema
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/mail-fd-conf.schema
if you are using the cyrus plugin you have to update is schema
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/cyrus-fd.schema
if you are using the renater-partage plugin you have to update is schema
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/renater-partage-fd.schema
if you are using the personal plugin you have to update is schema
fusiondirectory-schema-manager --replace-schema /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/personal-fd.schema
Check for deprecated attributes and objectClasses in your LDAP
fusiondirectory-migration-manager —list-deprecated to list deprecated attributes and objectclasses
Deprecated attributes:
fusiondirectory-migration-manager --list-deprecated List deprecated attributes and objectclasses Deprecated attributes:
argonautLdap2zoneAllowNotify (Fusion Directory - Argonaut, allow notify.) -
fdHttpAuthActivated (FusionDirectory - HTTP Basic Auth activation) -
fdHttpHeaderAuthActivated (FusionDirectory - HTTP Header Auth activation) -
fdCasActivated (FusionDirectory - CAS activation) -
gotoLogonScript (GOto - specifies a LogonScript) -
gosaDefaultPrinter (Defines a default printer a user owns) -
gotoHotplugDevice (GOto - keeps hotplug devices) -
gotoHotplugDeviceDN (GOto - points to hotplug devices) -
gotoLogoffScript (GOto - specifies a LogoffScript) -
gotoSyslogServer (GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept, value syslogServer.) -
gotoMode (GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept, Terminal is active.) -
gotoLdapServer (LDAP server to use) -
gosaMailMaxSize (Block mails bigger than this value) -
gosaSpamSortLevel (Spamassassins hits) -
gosaSpamMailbox (Where to put spam) -
Deprecated objectClasses:
goServer (Server description) -
fdAsteriskPluginConf (FusionDirectory asterisk plugin configuration) -
gotoTerminal (GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept, objectclass) -
gotoWorkstation (GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept, objectclass) -
gotoPrinter (GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept, objectclass) -
gotoEnvironment (GOto - contains environment settings) -
gotoWorkstationTemplate (GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept, objectclass) -
gotoTerminalTemplate (GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept, objectclass) -
gotoDevice (GOto - contains environment settings) -
GOhard (Gonicus Hardware definitions, objectclass) -
fusiondirectory-migration-manager —check-deprecated will output a list of dn using old attributes and objectClasses
fusiondirectory-migration-manager --check-deprecated
List LDAP entries using deprecated attributes or objectclasses
cn=config,ou=fusiondirectory,dc=nodomain contains an obsolete attribute
fusiondirectory-migration-manager —ldif-deprecated will output an ldif file on the console that you can use with ldapmodify to clean you ldap server from old attributes.
If they are old objectClasses it will warn you and you will have to remove it by hand, they have been specified at the fusiondirectory-migration-manager —check-deprecated step.
Please read it carefully before applying !!
Remove supann root entry
if you where using the a root establishement, you need to remove it, run the fusiondirectory-migration-manager —remove-supann-root for this
fusiondirectory-migration-manager --remove-supann-root
Migrate your interfaces
if you where using the systems plugin, you need to migrate your interfaces for this, run the fusiondirectory-migration-manager —migrate-interfaces for this
fusiondirectory-migration-manager --migrate-interfaces