Once your FusionDirectory instance is correctly set to be receiving user and structures diffusion events in Sinaps and Sinaps plugin is up and running (see Configuration ), creation and modification on Sinaps objects will be applied in FusionDirectory with the following rules.
When a Diffusion event is received :
FusionDirectory first looks at the cross references and search for the application identifier set in the configuration
If no reference is found or the reference found is not found in the LDAP, an object is created.
Otherwise the matching object is updated.
Structures are synchronized as Supann entities.
FusionDirectory field |
Sinaps XML field |
Details |
ou |
libelle20 |
description |
descriptifLong |
supannCodeEntite |
codeStructure |
Must be unique as it’s used in the dn |
supannTypeEntite |
codeSousType |
You need to configure Sinaps to transcode this into a valid value |
supannRefId |
referenceCroisee |
Formated as {identifiantApplication}identifiantExterne |
telephoneNumber |
methodesDeContact/methodeDeContact/valeur |
If codeTypeMethodeContact is TEL |
facsimileTelephoneNumber |
methodesDeContact/methodeDeContact/valeur |
If codeTypeMethodeContact is FAX |
postalAddress |
methodesDeContact/methodeDeContact/* |
If codeTypeMethodeContact is ADR and temoinAdressePrincipale is true |
supannCodeEntiteParent |
liensStructure/lienStructure/codeStructureMere |
If codeTypeLien is HIE |
fdSupannStartDate |
dateDebutValidite |
fdSupannEndDate |
dateFinValidite |
Persons are synchronized as users.
If rattachements is empty, the event is considered as a deletion, in which case:
The current date is stored in fdContractEndDate
The account is locked
The fields telephoneNumber, facsimileTelephoneNumber and mobile are emptied
The mail tab is removed
Otherwise the following fields are sychronized:
FusionDirectory field |
Sinaps XML field |
Details |
supannCivilite |
civilite |
sn |
nomUsage |
description |
descriptifLong |
dateOfBirth |
dateNaissance |
gender |
sexe |
supannRefId |
referenceCroisee |
Formated as {identifiantApplication}identifiantExterne |
givenName |
prenoms |
Cut at first ‘;’ |
homePhone |
methodesDeContact/methodeContact/valeur |
If typeMethodeContact is TELPERSO. Can only have one value. |
fdPrivateMail |
methodesDeContact/methodeContact/valeur |
If typeMethodeContact is MAILPERSO. Can have multiple values. |
postalAddress |
methodesDeContact/methodeContact/* |
If codeTypeMethodeContact is ADR and temoinAdressePrincipale is true, and codeTypeAdresse is not ADRPERSO |
homePostalAddress |
methodesDeContact/methodeContact/* |
Same as above but codeTypeAdresse is ADRPERSO |
supannEntiteAffectationPrincipale |
rattachements/rattachement/roles/role/personneRessource/affectations/affectation |
Only if role/typeRole is PR and the cross reference is found in the LDAP |
supannEntiteAffectation |
rattachements/rattachement/roles/role/personneRessource/affectations/affectation |
Same as above |
supannEmpCorps |
rattachements/rattachement/roles/role/personneRessource/elementsDeCarriere/elementCarriere/corps |
Only if role/typeRole is PR |
supannActivite |
rattachements/rattachement/roles/role/personneRessource/elementsDeCarriere/elementCarriere/bapReferens |
Only if role/typeRole is PR |
supannRoleGenerique |
rattachements/rattachement/fonctionsOccupees/fonctionOccupee/fonctionRh |
supannTypeEntiteAffectation |
rattachements/rattachement/fonctionsOccupees/fonctionOccupee |
If the cross reference is found in the LDAP |
supannEntiteAffectation |
rattachements/rattachement/fonctionsOccupees/fonctionOccupee |
If the cross reference is found in the LDAP |
supannRoleEntite |
rattachements/rattachement/fonctionsOccupees/fonctionOccupee |
Groups values from the three fields above |
Once FusionDirectory is properly configured to send Acquisition events to Sinaps, it will do so when a user is modified, with the following rules:
Fields listed in Contact methods in the configuration are sent as the indicated contact methods
supannEntiteAffectationPrincipale is send as a rattachement with roles/role/typeRole = EXT and roles/role/externe/typeExterne the value configured in Acquisition external type in the configuration