You can manage forms in the «Public Forms» entry from the main menu.
Public Form
Base: The LDAP base this form will be stored into
Name: A name to identify this form
Title: A title to display in this form page
Text: A text to show before this form
Object type: The type of object this form will create
Template: The template to use for this form
Confirmation text: The confirmation text shown once the form is successfully submitted
Private: This is only useful if the Invitations plugin is installed and will make this form only available with a valid invitation
Creation base: The base the created object will be placed in
TOS URL: If filled, a mandatory checkbox will force people to accept the terms of service available at this URL before submitting the form
Altered fields
The form will be built from the template, and all asked fields from the template will be shown by default.
In this tab you can alter how some of these fields behave, either by hiding them, or making them mandatory, or imported. Making them imported is only useful if you use a setup which fills HTTP headers with values for those fields. If a field is marked as read-only and mandatory but has no value it will be writable to avoid a lock out.