Subscription Repository

When buying a subscription you will receive a set of files

For FusionDirectory

The yourcompany-subscription-fusiondirectory.ini is the file to be imported into FusionDirectory to show that you have a valid subscription.

See Activate a subscription

For Debian


  • To authenticate to the enterprise repository copy with root access the file yourcompany-auth.conf to /etc/apt/auth.conf

root@fusiondirectory:~# cp  yourcompany-auth.conf /etc/apt/auth.conf

Install repositories

  • To add the repositories for the stable fixes version to your system copy the files ending with fixes.list into /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

root@fusiondirectory:~# cp *fixes.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
  • To add the repositories for the stable dev version to your system copy the files ending with dev into /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

root@fusiondirectory:~# cp *dev.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
  • update your repositories to see that the enterprise repository is working

root@ffusiondirectory:~# apt-get update
Hit:1 buster/updates InRelease
Hit:2 buster InRelease
Hit:3 buster InRelease

For Centos / Redhat


The authentification is done inside the repository files

Install repositories

  • To add the repositories for the stable fixes version to your system copy the files ending with fixes.repo you get into /etc/yum.repos.d/

root@fusiondirectory:~# cp *fixes.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
  • To add the repositories for the stable dev version to your system copy the files ending with dev.repo you get into /etc/yum.repos.d/

root@fusiondirectory:~# cp *dev.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
  • update your repositories to see that the enterprise repository is working

root@fusiondirectory:~# yum update
Modules complémentaires chargés : fastestmirror
Determining fastest mirrors
epel/x86_64/metalink                                                          |  32 kB  00:00:00
* base:
* epel:
* extras:
* remi:
* remi-php72:
* remi-safe:
* updates:
base                                                                          | 3.6 kB  00:00:00
epel                                                                          | 4.7 kB  00:00:00
extras                                                                        | 2.9 kB  00:00:00
yourcompany-fusiondirectory-subscription-centos7dev.repo                      | 2.9 kB  00:00:00
remi                                                                          | 3.0 kB  00:00:00
remi-php72                                                                    | 3.0 kB  00:00:00
remi-safe                                                                     | 3.0 kB  00:00:00
updates                                                                       | 2.9 kB  00:00:00
(1/9): epel/x86_64/group_gz                                                   |  96 kB  00:00:02
(2/9): epel/x86_64/updateinfo                                                 | 1.0 MB  00:00:00
(3/9): extras/7/x86_64/primary_db                                             | 243 kB  00:00:00
(4/9): yourcompany-fusiondirectory-subscription-centos7dev.repo/primary_db    |  12 kB  00:00:00
(5/9): remi/primary_db                                                        | 3.1 MB  00:00:01
(6/9): remi-safe/primary_db                                                   | 2.1 MB  00:00:01
(7/9): remi-php72/primary_db                                                  | 254 kB  00:00:01
(8/9): epel/x86_64/primary_db                                                 | 7.0 MB  00:00:03