
  • Create Squid User

Click on Users icon in FusionDirectory

Picture of Users icon in FusionDirectory

Click on an existing user

Picture of user line in FusionDirectory

Click on “Proxy” tab

Picture of Proxy tab in FusionDirectory

Click on “Add Proxy Settings” button

Picture of Proxy Settings button in FusionDirectory

Fill the desired fields then click “Ok” to save

Picture of Proxy Account Settings page in FusionDirectory

Proxy account

  • Filter unwanted content (i.e. pornographic or violence related) : Check if you want enable filtering unwanted content (i.e. pornographic or violence related) for this user.

  • Limit proxy access to working time : Check if you want enable limit proxy access to working time. Choose the start and the end of working time beside, once enabled.

  • Restrict proxy usage by quota : Check if you want enable restrict proxy usage by quota. Choose the quota amount beside, once enabled.

Now, in Properties tab, you can see the squid icon

Picture of Squid icon in FusionDirectory