
Orchestrator requires a one file to be configured properly.

Configuration file


The editable file is located at /etc/fusiondirectory-orchestrator/orchestrator.conf

[LDAP settings]


Required in order to connect to the proper host. FQDN or IP must be provided.


Required by LDAP in order to use the proper privileges.


Required password to authenticate LDAP


Required to ease the research of the branch people by endpoints.

[JWT token settings]

#SECRET_KEY can be generated via a 256 bit Wep key generator such as
      SECRET_KEY="256 bit key"

Required to secure and validate the generation of access and refresh tokens.

[SMTP server settings]


The login ID to authenticate to the specified SMTP server.


The password used for above authentication.

MAIL_HOST="fqdn or IP"

The SMTP server domain name or IP.


The required secure methode. “TLS” can be used for “STARTLS”. Please note the importance of lowercase in ‘ssl’ or ‘tls’.

MAIL_PORT="SMTP port number"

The TCP/UDP port number of the SMTP server.(Example: SSL 465 / TLS 586).


Orchestrator is highly depending on the URL rewriting mechanism of the web server.
In case of Apache2 “.htaccess” files are responsible for that logic.
Although informative, there should not be any value of modifying the contents of those files.
The goal is to redirect any call on URI to the main index file located in API directory.