Functionalities =============== | Tasks are being processed based on their set schedule. | Two official tasks exists in CORE : "Mail" and "LifeCycle" How it works ------------ Asking the proper endpoints with the allowed HTTP methods will trigger the required action. Examples -------- .. note:: | An orchestrator client is now available, you may now manage your repeated tasks within a simple CRON job. | Use option -v (--verbose) outside a CRON job to output the result of your command. Get all tasks available """"""""""""""""""""""" .. code-block:: shell fusiondirectory-orchestrator-client -t (--tasks) Execute a task of type "Mail" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. code-block:: shell fusiondirectory-orchestrator-client -m (--emails) Execute a task of type "Life Cycle" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. code-block:: shell fusiondirectory-orchestrator-client -c (--lifeCycle) Activate all cyclic tasks """"""""""""""""""""""""" .. code-block:: shell fusiondirectory-orchestrator-client -a (--activateCyclicTasks) Remove all completed sub-tasks """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. code-block:: shell fusiondirectory-orchestrator-client -r (--remove) .. note:: | The client can be used with option -h (--help) in order to have more details on some commands. Conditions ---------- In order to process any tasks, a few conditions are analysed: - Schedule for the tasks. - New members logic. - Specialized configuration for the task at hand, either in the task tab itself or within its backend configuration. .. note:: The settings for above conditions may be found within FusionDirectory configuration menu.