Original GOsa² AUTHORS ====================== This is the alphabetical list of all people that have contributed to the original GOsa² project before the fork to FusionDirectory * Markus Amersdorfer * Wiki setup, Testing, hints, proposals * Alessandro Amici * Italian translation * Craig Chang * Fixes for magic_quotes_qpc * Guillaume Delecourt * Setup fixes, nagios tab plugin, xls addons ldapmanager * pptp connectivity option, phpscheduleit connectivity option * Alejandro Escanero Blanco * Fixes, improvements, translation, netgroup plugin, Guide and some extensions * Fabian Hickert * Improvements for setup, various fixes and plugins * Niels Klomp * Dutch translation * Steve Moitozo * Password checker * Benoit Mortier * Butracking, QA, French translation * Igor Muratov * Various fixes and speed enhancements * Michael Pasdziernik * Documentation for GOsa and safe-mode, fixes * Cajus Pollmeier * Virtually everyting which is GOsa related * Piotr Rybicki * Polish translation * Henning Schmiedehausen * Various fixes, support for user defined people/group base * Alfred Schröder * German translation * Jan Wenzel * Implementation and research for samba munged dial support, * fixing of "Fiptehlers"(TM) in the german translations. * Leila El Hitori * French online documentation * English online documentation * Vincent Seynhaeve * Xls export plugin * Leonid Bogdanov * patch for the manager fonctionnality in the General user tab * Olivier BONHOMME * Corrected RPM building